Coding help


Fundamentalist whack-job
This post has been reposted here from another forum per the advice of another user:

I am looking to update and increase my web coding skills. Does anyone know of any good sites that have information on, or teach about the following:

CSS, XHTML, PHP, JavaScript

I am very proficient in HTML and comfortable in CSS. I also have a very basic working knowledge of JavaScript. I know nothing of PHP. I just want to take my coding skills to the next level. I am most interested in becoming 100% W3C compliant on my web site designs.

BTW (I hate using Dreamweaver and other graphical programs of the same sort, so please don't suggest them. I'm a hand coder by choice. I'm not anti-Dreamweaver, but I just like knowing what in the world the code is doing, and the satisfaction of creating it with my own brain.)
I strongly suggest PHP.

I might make some tutorials aimed for new comers. Though depends how dedicated you are.
I am very dedicated. I just have yet to find something practical in its teaching methods. That's why I post this message. I realize I don't know all that's out there.

I would be very interested in learning PHP. I also NEED XHTML and CSS info. has some great stuff as well.

of course there are the old standbys like, and