Overall I like the page...
Looks and loads clean.
I do have issue with the copy... I'd suggest re-thinking it...
Promise should go first... After all it's the first thing skeptical viewers want to read.
Then Quality, Affordable
What exactly are you trying to say in each of these sections? What's your overall goal... the placement suggests that you want to guide the viewer to a conclusion... "buy from me" is a popular conclusion.
"We offer prices that will fit your needs, while still keeping them at competitive ranges."
Says, you can afford us, and we're priced about the same as the other guys. This might seem a bit confusing to a consumer. You need to make a distinction between you and the other guys. It sounds like you're going to offer quality work for less then the other guys. If this is the case then you should not use the word "competitive" as it is often used in advertising as a way of saying "a bit higher priced then the other guys."
"We can get the job done by whenever you need it done, and still make it look like a thousand dollars worth"
In addition to being incorrect English, you're actually fighting what you said in the previous statement.
Money, and all references to it, do not belong in this paragraph. People buy based on worth, worth is often a determination of quality... you want to say your work has quality, period, let the consumer assign a value for you.
Also, it seems as if you're trying to say fast, but good... Which is a great idea, but again, leave money out of the deal. Take a lesson from the jewelry industry quality should be priceless. After all they get people to buy rocks for much more then you're going to charge for a website.
"Not only do we value each of our customers, but we value their needs as well."
This is also not great English, but beyond that... you're really saying the same thing twice here...
if you value me, then you value my needs as well. They are one and the same. Also, kind of a technical issue here, but this line is NOT a promise, it's a statement. Kind of confusing to the reader.
Here's what I came up with... It's not perfect, but perhaps it might give you an idea for where you can go with the statements.
We will care as much about you as we do about your project.
Our deliberate methodology assures quick turnaround without ever sacrificing intelligent design.
Bringing beauty to the masses. Purchase a fully designed package plan for a lot less then you might think.
Something like that... (I'm not a writer but you get the point).
By eliminating the double references the text reads a bit smoother I think.
Anyway, I don't mean to pick on you about the copy... I realize this isn't done, but I thought I might help out.
I really like the text placement by the way.