College Website Suggestions?


I was recently hired (as a student worker) to assist the webmaster of my college's website as the website is moved to PHP in place of static pages. Along with PHP, some restructuring and redesigning may occur. I'd just like to know what suggestions you have for the website; what you like and don't like; what the best college website design you've seen is and any other ideas you might have.


Don't duplicate links from the same page, i.e. put them in a cell and a menu. I suggest you go with the menu.

Make the text a little bigger.

Check out for college websites. It lists every college in the United States, with links to their websites for practically all of them (only a few don't). Check out some of them and see what you like. Try to base your design on a number of sites that work well for you, letting you find the information you want easily and attractively.
Still working on it ;) but I found, which has a number of elements that I like. Now that I have some ideas I've got to run them past the head of the department, who is in charge of the website.

The main thing is KISS: Keep It Simple, *insult starting with S*. Try to keep the number of links on a page to a minimum, but don't limit navigation in any way or you will drive people away. Make it easy to find or search for things, and make it elegant.

I'd be willing to offer my design skills if you wish. If you want me to, I'll make a template page for you with whatever elements you want, and you can code it. IM me if you want me to help.