colored ibooks around the corner


Now that basically 75% of the population needs to apologize to apple about releasing the ipod minis in color and at those prices(if we knew what we were talking about and actually could run Apple we would shut up...i'll never shut up) Though I believe many at Apple didn't think that some of the mini colors would be that popular. I have a feeling they will cut it down to 3 of the original colors and maybe add black and white blue, pink, silver, white, black... Though I think apple is hard at work trying to find a way to truly customize this minis for the tweens and bring it down to $199 and figure a way to get some more HDs. Hopefully apple will start bringing some flash based minis to the market. But I doubt well ever see a 5 gig flash card for under $300 bucks.

But the whole point of this is that because of this craze with the colored minis will we see colored ibooks emerge around the corner anytime soon?
I seriously doubt it.
However, I think it dangerous to say "never", I bet we'll have one in the next year or so :D
Apple would run the risk of minimising the impact of the iBooks. The colored ones would be interesting but would also have a feel for younger users. Not too many people in the business world that now uses an iBook would opt for one that didn't come in grey, white or black.
Randman said:
Apple would run the risk of minimising the impact of the iBooks. The colored ones would be interesting but would also have a feel for younger users. Not too many people in the business world that now uses an iBook would opt for one that didn't come in grey, white or black.

if were talking about mini colours here then theres the silver/grey colour which is simialr/identical to the powerbook color which I think many adults would be happy to use.
They should make custom skins like they do for cell phones. Then you can pop them off and switch them up whenever you want. Apple could make one to match their semi-annual OS change, Panther, tiger stripes....
Custom skins? Ugh. Who's going to want to pop the top off their iBook and put a new one? And to store the old one? As dloyd said, there are third-party companies available to colorize a laptop already.
I don't think it's worth it. I see that some people like to color their iPods, but I figure what Apple sent to begin with should be good enough for most people :)
Well if you dont want to change it, dont. Comparing it to my cell phone, I still have my original cover and mine is made so you cant even tell it would pop off. If you dont want to do that, fine your iBook would remain factory white or whatever the way it came. Obviously there would be some kind of market for it and would add a sales feature to it and perhaps be a swing vote for a borderline switcher. The key would be to design the case so it doesnt look like a pop off, nice tight seams.
The white iBooks are so inCREDibly sexy that I think such a move would quite definitely LOWER sales of iBooks. If you want an iBook matching the colour of your gray iPod mini, you can buy a PowerBook 12". ;-)

Apple moved away from using more than one colour with the white iBooks and iMacs, and I think one of the reasons is that it's a logistical nightmare. iPods are easier (and many more of these are sold, anyway). I certainly hope that the iBooks keep their look for a while more.
well the G3 and G4 ibooks looks almost exactly the same so **when** they bring out a G5 iBook I would expect it to look *very* diferent. :)
I don't think that adding a few more colors or allowing for some sort of custom designed case like an engraved ipod would lower sales. If I could get a white or black ibook and have a picture or design laser etched in it for 19.95 I would probably get it. And if they made a pink ibook I am sure they would sell about 200,000 to women... they are nuts. They buy shoes not because they are comfortable but because someone on tv was wearing them, handbags, shoes, shirts, jeans... woman are mad like lemmings(my fiance just hit me on the head) But she knows it's true you put a sales sign in a pile of poop and they think its a good deal. I can't stand their thinking. They have to use their coupons or if there is a sale and they don't go out and buy some purple barney custom they've lost money beacuse it's not on sale. The only sale a man cares about is if they are giving out free beer with every purchase.
You kind-of ignore that this is about iBooks, not women buying lipstick. Sure, some would go for the pink iBooks, but a notebook is still not a fashion-item. A fashion statement, maybe, but you don't buy an additional iBook because you want it to match your shoes in colour. Neither do those women, btw.
One of our friends daughter's have 3 different color mini ipods to match their clothes. They would buy a a pink ibook to match her room any day. My doctors wife matched her german sports car $125,000 with her lipstick color. We buy homes and cars all the time to match our personality. Yes, 20 years ago we probably wouldn't but the laptop has become an extension of many people. And if you could get one in leather with the words nike, addidas or tommy on it they would buy those too... and then I just came upon this link,2125,63423,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_3

$1200 for a bag to cary your ipods in. No, one would ever buy that, right?
fryke said:
The white iBooks are so inCREDibly sexy that I think such a move would quite definitely LOWER sales of iBooks. If you want an iBook matching the colour of your gray iPod mini, you can buy a PowerBook 12". ;-)

There are definitely some people that like the look and feel of the iBook.

I've never been one of them for some reason. I've always felt that the iBook, even the current rev, looks and feels fairly cheap and plasticy. I've never liked the screen. It's always bugged me that the screen folds back *behind* the rest of the chassis, instead of on top of it like nearly all other laptops (I don't know why - I just really hate it). And it's a **HUGE** turnoff that I can't get an iBook with more than one button.

In fact, the ONLY reason I'd buy an iBook is because it can run OS X.

I'm not sure that different, pastel colors are going to change things for me, but I'd definitely like to see better/different styling.

(Yes, I know I could get a powerbook instead. Yes, I could get an external mouse (which isn't a solution IMO), etc. I'm not talking about the PBs tho, I'm talking about the iBooks.)
I'm sure some people would buy the bag if its made my a well known designer.

On the woman-would-buy-it-cos-its-pink thing I think its more likly that ye some rich people might buy another one to match their room or wat ever but the main point I think is that if a woman was considering a new laptop geting a pink one (instead of a hideous black Wintel one) would be much more appealing.
Therefore they would pick the APPLE computer - this is going to sound VERY sexist (and Im not usualy sexist) but (most) woman dont realy care as much about things like the operating sysem wether its Windoze XP or Mac OS X they just dont care(most of them anyway - I know ALOT of them will) so as long as some one showed them the basics - someone in an apple retail store perhaps and the OS was simple enogh to use (like os x is) and it does every thing that they need (like OS X does) they would buy it not JUST because it PINK or blue or watever colour they infact like - that was the original thing that cought their attention but they now realise that this laptop is great!
And as an added bonus its a cool PINK colour (to match their ipod mini or to match the ipod mini that they will soon want to buy once they know they can get one that matches the colour of their iBook!) (woman REALY like things to match lol) :D
PowerBook screens also fold behind the rest of the chassis and they also only have one mouse button. So that wouldn't solve your problem.

'Better' styling is really a very personal issue, I think. For me, Apple's notebooks' styles are top-notch, although I hate the fact that the iBooks no longer have that translucent look & feel about them. The opaque white is a tad uglier than the iBook I had.