

I'm really confused about how to use Colorsync for digital photo workflow.

I have my computer's monitor set to a Supercal calibration.

Should I set my camera's default profile to Supercal in image capture (this is the app I use to download all my pics) as well, or should that stay as the "camera rgb"???

And should my printer stay as Cannon iP4000, or set to Supercal also??

Just don't get it.

Supercal is a profile builder for monitors, correct? It's not a colorimetric reader like an EyeOne, is it? It allows you to edit the monitor manually, which may suit some workflows, but I think you're assuming that the monitor profile will work well for all your images, and it will not. The custom profile that you build with Supercal is the largest gamut that you'll be able to see on your monitor (by the way, what is your monitor?), but your camera capture is probably larger, and you want to keep your images in a larger 'container' gamut even if you can't see all of the colors on your monitor. My advice would be to use a stable, trusted RGB format like Pro Photo RGB, developed by Kodak. Your printer profile is a whole other story...I would recommend checking out a book called Real World Color Management by Bruce Fraser.
It can be a daunting book at times, but it's a tremendous resource.