Command keys having issues, any help?


When I use the command keys a picture of the apears on the screen and somtimes it stays up cause it to effect every thing I do. This is especially annoying when capitalising and using photoshop. This is onl a recent occurance, does anybody know what has caused this and how I can stop it?

I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean... You use "the command keys" (which ones? just the Apple-key? or something else?), and a picture of the (???) appears on screen. What appears on the screen? When "capitalising"? Sorry, I really don't get it... Maybe you can make a screenshot and tell us exactly which keys you're pressing at the same time?
Sorry that wasn't very well explained :rolleyes:

Here is a pic

The keys it happens to are the apple key, alt, control and shift. and by capitalising I meant using the shift key while typing to make capital letters.
check your system preferences :universal access : keyboard and put sticky keys to off

that should do it :cool: