Command line question (Info for running processes?)


Command line question:

After running "top -u" in the terminal to see what processes are running, is there another command or series of commands available that will provide EVERYTHING I ever wanted to know about a running process? I know this question is a little vague, but is there a command line equivalent of "Get Info" for running processes? The reason I ask this is that every once in a while, my PowerMac G3 @ 500 Megahurts gets a little (ok a LOT) pokey, and running "top -u" in the terminal shows that M$ Word is HOGGING the CPU for a while. I would like to know more about what the King of BSOD is doing.
`top` is good but if you want real info you'll have to use `ps`. . .

Maybe this wil help (sorted by CPU usage):
[gwailo:~]% ps -ecjMmvrS -U gwailo
add -ax for all processes.

BTW You'll have to resize your terminal window to be WIDE :p