Command prompt after upgrade - grrr...


Please help! I'm trying to upgrade 10.1.4 to 10.2, using a full system CD (1 of 2, although it has never asked for the second...). When I go through the install and reboot, there's a big grey apple screen that comes up, and a clock-type thing that goes around for a bit before a command line shows up. I tried typing exit, which gave me several messages and then wouldn't let me do anything else. I typed login, but then it wouldn't take my user name or password. Any idea what I could do? Thanks.

Have you tried typing 'reboot' at the command line?

Just an idea. Of course, I don't know if that will help. But I think it's worth a try.

Thanks for the suggestion, but it just rebooted into the same problem.

What is the second cd used for? Will it help to get around this? thanks.
The second cd contains mainly drivers for printers etc. So it won't be for use of resolving that.

Does the beginning 'clock' look like the normal starting screen of jaguar? The normal has as well a clcok looking icon in the beginning.. which mac do you have, and how much RAM? If it's a slower one, the clock could go for 'ages' in the beginning .. :-/
The screen looks like it would be a normal Jaguar screen, although I haven't seen one so couldn't say for sure. It's got a big apple and a clock thing, which stops after a little bit and then the command prompt shows up.

The mac is an ibook 600mhz, 386 ram. Nothing plugged into it at present, except for the power cord.

Thanks all for the replies.
I had a similar problem, where my g3 rebooted into a command prompt after a crash. I ended up having to reinstall 10.2, which turned out well after the upgrades and such.

Note: make sure during the reinstall you pick the install option that moves your old system stuff to a Previous System Folder and saves your user directory. That will save most of your settings, password, etc. and you won't have to start over from scratch after the reinstall.