commands NOT working


OS X Jaguar
I was editing a file the other day, and I dont know what happened. was working on a file called .tcsh (I beleive).

I was trying to put alias commands in there to make them permanent when I relaunch terminal.

Now, Im having problems in terminal. here is some text.

Last login: Mon Sep 16 10:48:44 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
[pcp02504664pcs:~] arthuvans% clear
cls: Command not found.
[pcp02504664pcs:~] arthuvans% ls
-a: Command not found.
[pcp02504664pcs:~] arthuvans% ls -l
-a: Command not found.
[pcp02504664pcs:~] arthuvans% ls -a
-a: Command not found.
[pcp02504664pcs:~] arthuvans% ls
-a: Command not found.
[pcp02504664pcs:~] arthuvans%

HELP! How do I fix this? Must I reinstall 10.2?
Undo the changes you made to .tshrc, or rename .tshrc to .tshrc.disabled or something like that. You seem to have aliased 'ls' to '-a'. If you post the relevant parts of your .tshrc file here, someone can probably diagnose the problem.

[Added later: Oops -- that should be .tcshrc, not .tshrc . Sorry about that.]
got it. rm

its not working!

Last login: Mon Sep 16 11:49:10 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
[pcp02504664pcs:~] arthuvans% mv .tshrc .tshrc.old
mv: rename .tshrc to .tshrc.old: No such file or directory
[pcp02504664pcs:~] arthuvans%
Try /bin/mv .tcshrc .tcshrc.old

They should be in /bin, not at home on my box, so not positive. If /bin/mv doesn'twork (it should) try /usr/bin/mv

Once you've done this, log out, and log back in.

Brian, from what he said, it looks like he's finding mv, but he's not using the right filename. He's calling it .tshrc.