Compiling lynx


Licensed Computer Geek
I'm trying to get lynx built on 10.2, but after a while, a bunch of errors pop up:

cc  -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -DLOCALEDIR=\"/usr/local/share/locale\" -I. -I.. -Ichrtrans -I./chrtrans -I.. -I../src -I../WWW/Library/Implementation   -O2   -o lynx  LYClean.o LYShowInfo.o LYEdit.o LYStrings.o LYMail.o HTAlert.o GridText.o LYGetFile.o LYMain.o LYMainLoop.o LYCurses.o LYBookmark.o LYUtils.o LYOptions.o LYReadCFG.o LYSearch.o LYHistory.o LYForms.o LYPrint.o LYrcFile.o LYDownload.o LYNews.o LYKeymap.o HTML.o HTFWriter.o HTInit.o DefaultStyle.o LYLocal.o LYUpload.o LYLeaks.o LYexit.o LYJump.o LYList.o LYCgi.o LYTraversal.o LYEditmap.o LYCharSets.o LYCharUtils.o LYMap.o LYCookie.o LYExtern.o LYStyle.o LYHash.o LYPrettySrc.o TRSTable.o UCdomap.o UCAux.o UCAuto.o  ../WWW/Library/Implementation/libwww.a  
ld: Undefined symbols:
make[1]: *** [lynx] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

It looks like some terminal I/O functions are undefined, but I've got ncurses installed. What am I missing?
so where is the '-lncurses' on the
command line via the Makefile?

You need to call it out during the final
link phase. Just installing ncurses isn't
Well, I did the old routine: download fresh source package, run configure script, compile. It seemed to work that time. Weird...