Compiling PHP 5 - how do I include libxml2?


tail-wagging member
Hi there gurus,

I'm trying to compile PHP 5 (beta 2), for my general enlightenment and the goodness of my soul. I have got it working fine without XML, but this means I must lose all the best extensions that rely on XML (simpleXML, WDDX, PEAR - I can't live without them!)

So I've installed and compiled libxml2 from fink, at version 2.5.10, which places a file at /sw/lib/libxml2.2.5.10.dylib. I assume this is the file that needs to be included when compiling PHP.
When compiling PHP I get this:
[sumption@G4] php-5.0.0b2/ $ ./configure --with-apxs --with-libxml-dir=/sw/lib/
[i]... snip out 100 lines of configure messages[/i]
checking libxml2 install dir... /sw/lib/
configure: error: libxml2 version 2.5.10 or greater required.
I've tried '--with-libxml-dir=/sw/' or '--with-libxml-dir=/sw/lib/libxml2.2.5.10.dylib' and neither of them work any better.

How do I get the configure script to recognise my libxml installation?

many thanks,

Bernie :eek:)

This works, but I have *no* idea why!
./configure --with-apxs --with-libxml-dir=/usr/local/php/
There seems to be a libxml2.2.6.0 in there, where it came from I don't know... I thought Panther only came with libxml2.2.5.4, which isn't high enough.

If someone with Panther can tell me if their system has this file:

That would be grand.

Bernie :eek:)