Compiling PINE 4.62 w/ KRB5 & OpenLDAP in 10.3.7


I'm a newbie to UNIX attempting to install PINE for the second time, this time with some of the functions I left out the first time.
My issue is with the following quotes from the PINE installation readme:

Set up a symlink called ldap in the top-level pine directory (the directory where the Pine build script is located). The build script will call contrib/ldap-setup to help figure out how to use the LDAP libraries. It expects to find directories ldap, ldap/include, ldap/libraries, and file ldap/include/ldap.h."
"When using OpenLDAP as the library (or the older University of Michigan libary), set up the symlink so that it points to the base of the ldap source tree. The ldap-setup script looks for the directory ldap/libraries/liblber and the libraries ldap/libraries/libldap.a and ldap/libraries/liblber.a.

In order to build Pine with Kerberos functionality included you should place a symlink called krb5 to the directory where your Kerberos5 include files and libraries are located. That is, krb5/include and krb5/lib should exist. Place the symlink in the top-level pine directory (where the Pine build script is located). See the comments in the script contrib/krb5-setup if you have trouble.
Now, whilst I have KRB5 and OpenLDAP installed on my system, the files are either not arranged according to this specification, or not present. I originally installed with DevTools.pkg & BSDSDK.pkg, but then installed DevSDK.pkg in response to advice given on my thread at the Apple forums (see here). This gave me more of the relevant files but still not arranged properly.
Has anyone built PINE with KRB5 and OpenLDAP on Panther? I could really use the help...
You say that the files are not arranged according to specification?

Well.. did you make sure that after you compiled, built Pine you moved the program files to the correct directories? The binaries are usally in /usr/local/bin , in rare circumstances they are in /usr/bin. For further help reference the which should be in /usr/local/lib/ After you read the text in that file configure the pine.conf.fixed file located in /usr/local/lib/pine.conf.fixed, its the system wide configuration file. That file should help with your configuration with KRB5 and OpenLDAP, but take caution the pine.conf.fixed file is not able to be over-ridden by users, because the pine.conf file should instead be used, BUT if the pine.conf file does not allow you to modify the settings or set the flags according to your specs or they are not being accepted by the system, for whatever reason, you could then edit the pine.conf.fixed to set the system configurations. I hope this helps, and make sure that when you "re-installed" PINE you compiled with a "clean" option to the build/configure command, thus ensuring that your new PINE install will work smoothly with the new additions that you installed with.

Good Luck

Hey darkpo3t,

Sorry, but you've misunderstood. As yet, I haven't actually compiled PINE. The issue lies with the fact that compilation with OpenLDAP and KRB5 requires that I symlink to a set of files and directories. However, even though these two pieces of software are installed as standard with 10.3, their associated libraries etc. are not arranged in a fashion compatible with PINE's installation instructions, or are not installed at all.
Now, things have changed. I decided to simply compile OpenLDAP and KRB5 from scratch, and now I have the following errors:
First, from OpenLDAP:
configure: error: BDB/HDB: BerkeleyDB version incompatible
And from PINE, when I attempt to compile it (without OpenLDAP but with KRB5):
cc: mailpart.o: No such file or directory
But the real issue is that I'm trying to maintain a neat system, and I'd much rather only have those files I really need - that's why I'm not doing this without Fink Commander or such. I also feel it's a good way to learn. All I'd really like is to have just those files the PINE compile needs, in the correct locations, without having to go through the hassle of all the extraenous matter that's often picked up.
Hope this makes things clearer, and that someone can help with these issues.