Complete ripoff of iPod Shuffle

they are gonna get owned..

Unless they are the company that manufacturers the shuffle and have some kinda of loop hole contract with apple
Jason said:
Erm... that IS an ipod shuffle o_O
It looks almost identical, although there are two buttons on the back, not just the one. And it was shown at the Cebit conference, so it looks they did show something and that this is not a Photoshop fraud (?).

The LuxPro site seems to have some difficulties on-and-off at the moment, though... Deatils of the Super shuffle can be found here.
Natobasso said:
Consider that company dead in the water. Very stupid move!

I hope so- Both the Mac Mini and the Shuffle have been copied now; maybe Apple can get off their ass and do some sueing......
I just laughed and laughed...
It's amazing, the pure cheek of it. Oh my!

I do think Apple have a responsibility to protect the investments of it's users and protect it's own work by making an example of this company.

A lot of cloned products come from the far-east, I've had cloned NES/famicom hardware and a cloned Robosapien called a Roboactor. I have to admit, currently sold items which are cloned should not be allowed but when something is no longer produced.. well. I still have my famicom clones.

This shuttle clone though does not support AAC or iTunes from what I can see, c'mon stamp it out Apple!