!!!Compliments To Apple!!!

Please consider allowing two 5 1/4 drive bays in the professional towers.

We need them. Our PC counterparts have had the ability to put multiple 5 1/4 drives in their towers.

I want to have my CD burner and my regular CD-Rom in the same computer.

I'm sure I'm not the only one complaining about this. Towers are more happy when they can expand. Make the tower happy.
** computer....tea...earl gray....hot!**

As for 2 drive bays, I agree. Add a couple of PCI slots while you are at it :D
(Built in bluetooth with bluetooth mouse and keyboard would be a ++++++ as well! )

My compliments go out to you Apple because my computer works. period. I just use it and my room mate wanted an apple computer. He now has an iBook while I still have a 266 iMac and he bought his at the same price I bought mine :) But the fact that his is twice as good doesn't mean that mine doesn't work and that says something to the PC community. Also the fact that his just works makes it less embarrasing because he would come to me and say "you were the one to sell me on this, why can't I do this like I used to?"

He and I have both used the "other" platform and they work..... maybe? So thank you Apple for giving me the productivity I need.