Concerning XTools And C++


Ok I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this, being that I am brand new to the Mac Family. Anyway, I have been trying unsuccessfuly to install Fink and several other C++ based programs on my new G5. Anyway here is the error I keep getting with Fink.

some file like ./login
is resetting the PATH after .profile is executed.

I am running bash shell and have tried to edit the .profile but I can't seem to be able to because it tells me I don't have permission. (Even as root-user) I think it has something to do with my configuration. I have XCode Developer Tools installed but still no luck. Please Help - this one is so over my head :)
You have a /etc/profile and /etc/bashrc that the shell defaults to. When you are editing the files, did you try editing as a superuser (type 'su' and enter your root password)?

If you don't have it enabled, you can go into Netinfo Manager > security > Enable Root User.

As for Fink in general, did you add the script that they have you put in your home directory to edit your path?