congrats to xaqintosh!!


Master of Reality
I just got a new 800 mhz iMac, and it is SSSSSSSOOOOOOOOO CCCCOOOOOLLLL!!!!!!!

(I just had to get that out of my system, sorry to all who are envious :p)
How'd you get money for that? :D
Congrats by the way! Enjoy it...don't do anything I would! I wouldn't, that is.
Do you realize how lucky you are? And do you realize how rich your grandma is?

Nah, I'm just joking with you! Congratulations! And enjoy it! :)
she's not really that rich, she gave me $1400 (which was incredibly nice of her) and my dad paid the rest, although I have to pay him back when I get more for my Bar Mitzvah (its not until the end of June) she has all that money 'cause she lives alone and gets a lot from stocks

{I'm not trying to sound ungrateful, I am incredibly grateful}
Hehe. Welcome to the club! I wish I had the 512 MB tho :) Oh well... it was too expensive to get in the Apple slot, so I guess my max is 768.... not a problem! :) I want to buy a 512 (user slot) but they cost so much :(

Well, enjoy your LCD iMac... I sure love mine! :)
I'd beware of the macmall ram, I have gotten A LOT of defective ram from their, and I have 512 1 dimm in my iMac! :p I only got mine 2 days after you!
the ram has worked fine for me so far.


every time I turn on my computer, there is this one pixel that is yellow at all times, why is that? its annoying!
Re: your question-- dead pixels are a fact of life. Typically, we at MacOSX tend to greet new LCD iMac owners with "congratulations! where is your dead pixel and what color is it?" lol... mine is green and is in the lower left. Apparently they are almost ALL like this. Hey, considering how good the screen is (it's as good as Apple's pro LCDs) I can accept the one dead pixel :) but i'll admit it's kind of annoying that they didn't do a better quality control job...

Your other question-- I said I had Jaguar... but did I say I was a seeder? :) Jaguar was given out to everyone who was at the Worldwide Developers Conference, but some people, who couldn't afford to spend $1500 to go to the show, who sat around with a broadband internet connection just waiting to be used... *ahem* found some other methods :)

This is a known fact at the MOSX boards, or I wouldn't have mentioned it. I don't really fear getting in trouble from posting it here... as a lot of people on here have done the same thing :)
Yeah, the main bugs are: Finder relaunches sometimes for no real reason, iChat's notification system is incomplete, making it very hard to really use, and sometimes finder windows come up with the top part missing (ie. no close box or anything), and ALL of the help system is completely messed up. Other than that, it works AMAZINGLY well. :) It will be even better when the final comes out. It's fast (!!!) especially on an LCD iMac :) Login is fast, and you get to see your desktop and the menulings load before the finder is done starting up, which significantly reduces the time you have to sit there and wait. I just discovered today that the iTunes visualizer REGULARLY gets 60 frames per second with a lot of other stuff going on... which, even in 10.1.3, would never have happened even if nothing else was running.

So, yeah, I'm very happy to be using it :)