Connect G5 to 8500


I've had a 8500 for a while and just bought a new G5. The 8500 has zip drive and a ton of stuff on the hard drive I want to get to the G5 and both are connected to a hub. How do I go about connecting the two so they will see each other. The light on the hub shows that they are both active. Now what? :(

Totally illiterate on this need help.

Activate FileSharing and AppleTalk on the G5, log in from the 8500 via AppleShare in the Chooser.
Log in with the username/password from your user id on the G5.

I do it all the time from a 8600 with MacOS 8.6
Sorry to be a pain, but i'm real new to OSX. On the G5/System preferences/Sharing, I should activate Personal File Sharing, Remote Login, and Apple Remote Desktop?
Can't seem to find FileSharing nor AppleTalk.
Sorry, i'm running a Swedish system so the translation might have been a little rough. "Personal File Sharing" is the only one you have to enable.
You also have to start SystemPreferences, goto Network and activate AppleTalk
Thanks again. Really appreciate your help. I'm at work now and my Macs are at home. I'll have to try this tonight. Sorry for being so illiterate about this.
Just checked all my setting on the G5. Personal File Sharing is on and AppleTalk is activated, but does not show up in 8500 Chooser/AppleShare. Got to be missing something - BUT WHAT???

Still in a quandry
have you set the 8500 appletalk to e-net?, also, check your tcp-ip settings to make sure thay have the same subnet mask, default gateway and that the only difference in the ip address is the last number. the first three should be the same ( ie. and, mask= and gateway=
By gateway, I take it that you mean Router address? And they both should be set to the same: As is the subnet mask the same setting. Also if it matters the, 8500 is running 8.6.

Thanks for all your help. Finally got the 8500 to see the G5, atleast the DropBox. Which is all I need to transfer data. I didn't realize that in the Sys Prefs>Network. click on Built-in Ethernet>AppleTalk - activate. Then in Sharing select Ethernet>activate that. A dialog box appeared telling me that this change might effect internet connection.

Worked fine and still have internet connection.

Thanks again to all