Connect to Server Question


I know little about networking stuff. So please bare with me.

When I Click on "GO" and then click on "Connect to Server" and then look under "Local Network" I can see the 1 MAC I can connect to in our Network and 3 listings of my own computer. The 3 listings have the same name but If I click on any one of them it displays the afp number. All 3 of them have a different number. Why do they have different #s and do they all need to be there and how do I get rid of them if I don't need them?

the reason you server shows up multiple times with different Ip addresses is that the servers IP address has been changed since the initial setup of the server...

To correct the issue, remove the slp.regfile on the server. The location is /var/slp.regfile. You'll have to remove it as root either by logging in as root or via CLI.
Restart the Server and the issue should go away.
If you change the IP address of the server again you'll need to remove the file again.