Connecting a Laser Writer Select??


Would any one know how I might be able to connect an Apple Laserwriter Select 360 to my iMac? I found one in good condition for sale for $29 and would like to pick it up but it only has a serial, parallel, and what looks like a PS/2 connection on the back. I looked it up on Mactracker and it's a Apple Talk connection. Any suggstions on how I might make it work?

P.S. I have an Asante router with a parallel printer port for printer sharing. However, I have no idea how to set it up with Jaguar and my father's PC is on the router also. Woud he be able to send files to it as well? The router is located on the other side of the house so it's an inconvenience for me but if I can get it to work, why not?

Thanks for any help.
I use the Asante with my appletalk laserwriter 4/600 on an imac with macos10.1.5 and it works great. didnt have to do anything special with the system to get it to work, so it should be no problem with 10.2. the only thing you have to think about is the order you turn everything on the first time. (i think it's the printer first, then the asante and then the computer. and if you, like me, always have the printer and asante on, you dont have to worry about a thing.
So what you need is appletalk-cables, i think. dont know about the pc, though.
Hmm... when i think about it: is there a lot of different asante-stuff? i just remember that mine was called asante and im not sure if it was a router, or if it was something specially made to work with apple-talk networks. have it in the studio so i cant check it now.
I use an adapter made by farallon. It works fine. It adapts the ethernet connection to appletalk.
I just connected an old 360 to new G3 Mac's for a company. You need Cat 5 Ethernet cable connected to your ethernet port to the adapter - Assante or Farrallon - as long as they accept ethernet. Then an appletalk cord (looks like a regular phone cable) to a farrallon Local talk adaptor. The adaptor to the printer.
Make sure you end the network with the ender that is included with the local talk adaptor - it looks like a phone jack without the cable.
While making all the cable connections, do not plug in the ethernet adaptor until all connections are made. Then turn on the printer.
Now just select the Print Center and it should see the laserwriter. Your Mac connection is done.