Connecting a Windows XP laptop to a Mac OS X.2.1 iMac over ethernet?


I need some help. I need to get some files from my iMac to my sister's laptop, and I don't have a CD-RW spare... How do I set up a network so that I can transfer the files. I've set up a user account on this iMac with the same username as her school network account.

Oh yeah, her school network uses Novell.... and in the network login it asks me for a tree, context and server. What do I put in these?
Can't you just transfer with ftp? Or... if you enable windows file sharing, just enter //you.ip.address/~loginname/ in windows explorer
Originally posted by z4ph0d
Can't you just transfer with ftp? Or... if you enable windows file sharing, just enter //you.ip.address/~loginname/ in windows explorer

I cna't use FTP, because we only have one internet account, and no way of sharing the DSL modem.

So windows explorer is the place to type that address in? I typed it into Internet Explorer (I think) and it kept trying to connect to the internet, so would Windows Explorer do the same, seeing as they are both the same app?
If your too lazy to osetup sharing you can always just install Timbuktu on both computers. I believe u can download the demo.
Dave and Timbuktu both cost $$$....

I havn't tried on this iMac again, but I tried on my 333mhz one, and I could enable all the sharing options... EXECPT WINDOWS FILE SHARING. ANyone knwo what could cause this:?
Me and my buddy set up a peer to peer network my XP laptop and his OSX laptop

all you have to do is plug the cross over cable btwn the computers and then boot both up
run the network set up wizard on the XP machine and then shutdown and restart the OSX machine and then they should both be able to transfere files
then just share the files needed to transfere and i was able to pull from his machine and he was able to pull from ine