Connecting emac to my TV?


I have a 800mhz eMac and want to connect it to my TV. I see that Apple has a Video Adapter cable that seems perfect as it 'converts' mini VGA to S-Video or Composite Video. The problem is that it apparently "Requires... eMac (with AirPort Extreme) or17-inch iMac (1GHz) with mini-VGA port." Unfortunately I don't have AirPort Extreme.

Any suggestions?
Actually it has nothing to do with Airport Extreme. What apple tried to let you understand, was that all those models that have Airport Extreme support will have a tv-out option. I think your G4 800 eMac should work with it. Wasn't the adapter bundled with your eMac?
no unfortunately it was not bundled with the machine, it's a $20-30 adapter so it's no big deal but I don't know if it'll work with my system. You see, my machine shipped before AirPort Extreme internal support was offered for eMac. I hear you... it's not about the AirPort Extreme and it might work with my anyway but it's that my eMac doesn't meet Apple's "IMPORTANT" requirements as it is a pre AirPort Extreme machine :(

Any alternatives to the Apple Video Adapter?
I was searching for a G4 800 eMac without AirPort Extreme support and I didn't find any. So, I think your eMac meets the requirements. What kind of plugs do you have on your eMac? Any composite plug? VGA?
Do you have a mini-VGA port? it's a small (12mm) D-shaped Port with 14 internal contacts (7 on the top, 7 on the bottom) It has a 15th contact, which is the shield around the outside of the D.

My Dual USB iBook has one of these ports, and supports both the mini-VGA to VGA adaptor (which came with the Laptop) and the mini-VGA to S-Video/RCA (which I bought for about AU$35). for the sake of US$20 it might be a worthwhile experiment. If it doesn't work, I'm sure you'll be able to sell it on eBay…
Thanks guys, yeah I have a mini-VGA port which leads me to believe that the adapter should work. But the eMac shipped in Feb of 2003 with "AirPort" support and maybe I'm just confused here but I'm thinking that "AirPort" and "AirPort Extreme" aren't the same thing :rolleyes: I understand that AirPort is not a neccessary requirement for my needs but according to the Apple system requirements for the adapter apparently since my machine shipped before AirPort Extreme it some how does not meet the specs :(
I guess I'll just have to chance it and get the Apple adapter since there doesn't seem to be another option, and hope that it works. Thanks Again.
If you are going to buy that adapter from the apple-store, you will be able to ask them about your doubts. Just to be really sure. But I am quite positive it would fit to your eMac.