Connecting iMac & Dell with "Crossover Cable" to share net connection

I'm using an ethernet crossover cable to connect my dual-usb iBook (running OS X) to my Windows XP machine. I'm sharing an Internet connection using a free proxy program from

It works really well! $20 for the cable and everything else was free! Don't quote me on this, but I believe an iBook will automatically sense a peer to peer connection, so that a crossover cable is unnecessary.

Doug Trickey
Eaton Rapids, MI
Originally posted by dktrickey
$20 for the cable and everything else was free!

if it was a crossover cable (as you say it is), you overpaid! $5 here at Circuit City!

now do you use a regular ethernet cord or do you have to have the crossover cable?
I'll vote for crossover. When I was connecting my roommate's iMac to my Win2K box, I initially tried it with a straight cable. The iMac is new enough where it should be able to auto-sense the connection and compensate if the crossover cable is not there. Or at least that's what I was told. It didn't work at all until I tried the crossover cable.
I bought a 12 foot crossover cable at Best Buy for about $20. I think their cable prices are high, but keep in mind that it's 12 feet long.

By the way, there's a little program that I haven't heard much about on the Mac sites called "SMB Browser" at It's an easy and free way to configure OS X's Samba software so your Mac and PC can understand each other.

I don't know about you, but I'm not really comfortable yet searching for and modifying Unix configuration files.

Doug Trickey
Eaton Rapids, MI