Connecting OSX to 8.6


This probably has an easy answer. Just bought a new G5 running 10.4.2, and I'm trying to connect to IMAC running 8.6 which acts as our server here in the office. I can connect to other IMACs running 9.0 and 9.1 in the office through the Chooser, but not the IMAC running 8.6. I switched the G5 to run Classic, thinking I could connect to the 8.6, 9.0 and 9.1 in Classic mode using the Chooser. Not only will it not connect to 8.6 in Classic mode, it also won't connect to 9.0 and 9.1. Am I trying to do something impossible or is it just a matter of changing the settings in Mac OS Classic?

Separate question, if I have to upgrade my 8.6 to 9.0 or later, do I have to upgrade in steps, 8.6 > 9.0 > 9.1 > 9.2.2, or can I upgrade directly from 8.6 to 9.2.2?
You can only go directly to 9.2.2 if you have a full 9.2.2 Install CD. Otherwise, you'll have to go to 9.0 or 9.1 first (depending on which install media you have), then to 9.2.1, then to 9.2.2.
ElDiabloConCaca said:
You can only go directly to 9.2.2 if you have a full 9.2.2 Install CD. Otherwise, you'll have to go to 9.0 or 9.1 first (depending on which install media you have), then to 9.2.1, then to 9.2.2.
MacOS X 10.1 shipped with a MacOS 9.2.1 full-installation CD. Use it to install MacOS 9.2.1 and then use Software Update to update to MacOS 9.2.2.
Here I have three systems running Mac OS 8.6 (an 8100, a PowerBook 3400c and BlueBox in my 8600) all of which are accessible by my Mac OS X systems (two running 10.2.8, two running 10.3.9). All these systems are accessible to each other (I can log into Mac OS X from 8.6 and into 8.6 from Mac OS X).

It should be noted that Apple has been making it harder to use AppleTalk as a networking protocol with each new version of Mac OS X. And Mac OS 9 included software call ShareWay IP to help with using AppleShare IP connections. It is not a requirement (or I wouldn't have my network set up like it is now) but it helps.

One thing to do is to make sure that all your AppleTalk protocols are enabled in Mac OS X (via the Networking preference panel and Directory Access) and that Mac OS 8.6 has sharing set up correctly (and that TCP/IP is set up correctly too).

But there should be too much of a problem using 8.6. The only Mac OS 9 installation I have on my systems is 9.2.1 as Classic for one of my Mac OS X systems. Otherwise I don't use Mac OS 9.