connecting TiBook with Siemens S45 mobile


Dutch member
Does anybody knows how to use the infrared-port from my Siemens S45 Mobile phone.
Siemens does not have any drivers for it to function.
I want to try to use it as a modem to send fax-pages and little e-mails

I've seen a connector from Digicom trough USB to connect my mobile to my TiBook.
But there is nobody who knows if it works with my phone.


:confused: :confused: :confused:

you don't need a cable, just put the mobile behind your TiBook (where IrDA is9) enable it on the mobile. Enable it on the TiBook (Network prefs). It should find the mobile (as indicated in the menu bar, right next to the clock)
You can download a modemscript from here: (sorry, just german)

This lets you choose the Siemens in the Modemprefs. Since the S45 supports GPRS you might want to try the GPRS-scripts (although they are just for german networks, butmaybe you can modify them).

hope that helps.