Connection Refused problem...


This one is driving me nuts and its a brand new problem with 10.2!!!!

I'm getting chronic connection refused error messages when browsing the web. For example, to get to this page, I typed on my web browser. I got a connection refused error message. I hit enter 2 more times before I got to this page. From there, I came to this forum. I got 6 consecutive connection refused error messages while trying to get here. I also got a couple of connection refused error messages when trying to type this message... This will eventually lessen and ultimately go away, but it will start anew with every new web site I visit and every time I reboot!!!!

also, I get chronic error messages in mail telling me that connections were refused or that passwords were rejected. Usually, after anywhere from 2 - 6 retries (without changing anything), Mail will finally pick up the mail. As with the web browsing, it will eventually get much better with intermittent periods of chrinic error messages....

any suggestions for what to do about this would be appreciated!!!
Ive had this happen to me as well, the solution i found (i was using mozilla) was clearing the cache, after i did that everything worked fine, i dont know if that is the answer you are looking for or not, but it worked for me :)
I'm also using Mozilla. I tried clearing the cache, but it got worse for a little while (exactly 20 connection refused errors to get to the main page!) and then it went back to normal (between 1 and 5 connection errors in 1 out of 3-4 pages)....

Maybe I'll just trash the entire Mozilla forlder in prefs... Does anyone know where the equivalent Chimera folder would be?