considering moving to mac : powerbooks


Hey all, im a linux debian user, I'm a full time webdeveloper and I'm hoping to get into the mac scene as my current desktop is well in-need of a replacement.

I basically need the system i choose to be a desktop replacement. I'm looking at the powerbooks as they seem to have the nessesary power and also comes with the huge bonus of being portable if needed.

In an ideal world id walk into an apple store and purchase a 15" powerbook this afternoon, but in the real world i think im going to have to suffice with a 12" as my budget really cant stretch much more than that. The big problem for me is the 12" screen would be way to small to work off full time, I've now started looking into the possibility of plugging my existing monitor into the 12" everytime i sit down at my desk and using that.

I've just got off the phone to apple, and the guy told me that the external monitor can only mirror whats on your laptop screen? if thats the case then whats the point?! i dont wanna have my 19" flat screen mirroring a 1024x768 desktop - it would just look rubish! is he speaking sence? if so why on earth have apple done that? even there mini picture shows a larger monitor in a larger reselution!


On a second point im looking at getting my powerbook from america as its about 300 quid off, are there any problems i might have with doing that?

You really should look at a developer's discount, a 15inch powerbook, runs for 1599 dollars usd. Cheaper then even the edu discount. Also, the external monitor res goes to whatever max res the monitor is capable of, not just 1024x768. So, if your 19inch monitor has a bigger res then that a powerbook will be able to go to that max resoultion. I hope this helps. Also go with the 15inch. Backlit keyboard, expandlibity, and the srceen space is something you need. True it's pricey. But again try the developer's apple store it make work out better for you.

I have a 12" powerbook and its great, i dont feel like i need anything else. Totally happy with it :eek:

The powerbooks do not only mirror, you can expand your desktop to have 2 over 2 screens, with separate resolutions on each screen.

As far as im aware its only the iBooks that are restricted to mirroring desktops.

This was written after a large pub lunch, excuse the english and vagueness, hope it helps.
jimmyxx said:
I've just got off the phone to apple, and the guy told me that the external monitor can only mirror whats on your laptop screen? if thats the case then whats the point?! i dont wanna have my 19" flat screen mirroring a 1024x768 desktop - it would just look rubish! is he speaking sence? if so why on earth have apple done that? even there mini picture shows a larger monitor in a larger reselution!

True for the iBook, but not the PowerBook. And even the iBook can be fairly easily hacked to support dual displays.
KSV: sorry to go a little off topic, curious about this hack for the iBook? i have a cousin who would love to know about sorting out independent dual displays.
nietzsche2131 said:
You really should look at a developer's discount, a 15inch powerbook, runs for 1599 dollars usd. Cheaper then even the edu discount.

Whoa, that is really interesting, that link won't me in, where can i find more information about this? I'm in UK does that make a difference? (i plan to purchase my powerbook via an american store though)

thanks for all the replies!
DefUnct_UK said:
KSV: sorry to go a little off topic, curious about this hack for the iBook? i have a cousin who would love to know about sorting out independent dual displays.

Its called 'screen spanning doctor' its a script you use to enable it...pretty simple and it works great. I believe it works for others like the G5 iMacs etc. that don't allow for an external monitor to do anything but mirror.

0.3.3 is newest release. Tiger compatible...get it here

nietzsche2131: I've been reading up on the developers discount :

It looks like to aquire a discount you have to spend at least $500 for the select membership - which means its just as expensive as buying it retail?

If anyone knows a way to get a powerbook cheaper than on the online store please let me know! I really want one!
Well the only snag is im in the UK, and im guessing youre not, so postage would be huge i think.

Education discount is for those in Education (Higher Education as far as im aware, such as college or university)

Discounts vary, but a powerbook 12" Combo standard is: £964
Powerbook 15" Superdrive Standard is: £1452

Not sure what the US education prices are.
Not sure how Apple would feel about it either :p

Bear in mind that if you are in any sort of education, then providing them with some proof of that is enough to get a student discount. I just had to scan in my Student Card and email it to them.
Im in the UK! Im in Leeds, my dad is works for the university? could i get it thought him?

How much is the powerbook 15" combo drive?

Actually it seems there are small varying levels of Education Discount.

Yeah your Dad could totally get it for you.

15" combo is :£1269 standard

You WILL need more ram, get that from cruical, i did and it arrived next day!

Your dad might get a slightly bigger discount.

All he needs to do, is ring the apple store and get through to education sales (its in their voice menu system). They will register him and ask for some proof (that should be easy) it can be a Fax or email so no long waits. Then they sell him apple products..discounted :)

Easy a pie. Hope that helped.
the reqirements to buy it off the apple education website (to actually get into it) are actually quite simple. be on the uni network when trying to buy it. only a computer on a uni network can log in. that gives the discount.

or try they buy in bulk and sell cheap. go for the discontinued models as they are cheaper