BlingBling 3k12
Somewhere... dunno though
Originally posted by ksv
Microsoft are killing theirselves with the Xbox. If it becomes a success, I'll guess more and more people will rather use Linux/unix on their PCs for "serious" work, and use thier Xboxes for gaming. This especially applies to young users, I think.
And oops, then Microsoft will slowly, but surely lose their PC software market.
since i got my xbox... i've sold EVERY computer game that i've bought (mostly to friends and a few over ebay) and i haven't bought a new PC game in 3 months... nothing compares to my trusty xbox
(also... just got Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3... it blows the PS2's version away by graphics and gameplay! i just played the PS2 version at my friends house and it wasn't as good as the XBOX... plus that damn controller just felt horrible after using such a great controller for 3 months!)