Control-click problems


i have a mac G5 with Mac OS X 10.4

I have recently run into a problem with the control key.

When i try to control-click an icon on the desktop the entire screen flashes, all of the icons disappear and then reappear with no action taken or when i control-click an application in the application folder, it flashes and clears the entire screen for a second, when it returns, the app folder is closed and i am back at the desktop.

Have you heard of this before? Do you have any ideas how to remedy? i have tried a disk repair but it came up clean. i have tried a hard reboot of the hard drive but nothing changed.

any advice/help would be great.

Sounds like the Finder is restarting. Too many items on the Desktop? Or... Maybe you simply have to trash the Finder preferences. They're in ~/Library/Preferences/ ... Just remove that file and re-login.