Convert address book from Snow Leopard to Mavericks


I'm trying to migrate an address book from a machine running Snow Leopard to one running Mavericks. The Snow Leopard machine no longer boots so I'm trying to restore from a Time Machine backup. I've tried the following recipe:
1. Remove ~/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb
2. Copy all files from backup's Metadata folder into the Maverick's metadata folder
3. Restart Contacts
I don't see any new contacts but I do see the following files in the folder where the .abcddb file existed before:
but no new AddressBook file.

# file ABAssistantChangelog.aclcddb
ABAssistantChangelog.aclcddb: SQLite 3.x database

I've also tried doing an import on Contacts but all files are greyed out.

It appears that there's a DB version change from SL to Mavericks.

How can I change the format so I can import all my contacts ?

Did you see or ABPerson.index ?
Have you tried booting the Snow Leopard in Target mode? You then should be able to use Migrate Assistant to move over your contacts.
Do you have another backup of the SL hard drive other than Time Machine?