Convert mpeg2 to mpeg4 and edit in imovie


I have home movies which seem to all be in mpeg2 format. I would like to open them in imovie to edit and burn new dvds. At an Apple store I was told I needed QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback to read the mpeg2 format. Under the FAQs for MPEG-2 Playback, it says to export to mpeg4 (?) I need to use QuickTime Pro.

My quesiton is, do I need both QuickTime Pro and MPEG-2 Playback? I don't want to plunk down $50 unnecessarily. How do these work together to get my mpeg2 files into imovie? Is there an easier route to do this?

Thanks, Meg
You can use FFMpegX to convert between many formats. It's a little harder to use because there are so many options though.
I'm running ffmpeg. I have a VIDEO_TS file and there are instructions in the HOW To section on converting VIDEO_TS folders to DivX (mpeg4?). I followed the instrucitons and obtained one file, movie.avi. iMovie still does not see this. Is there another step I need to go through? Or have I done this all wrong? Argh.
Thanks, Meg
Is FFMPEGX the same as FFMPEG? I just used ffmpegx to convert a mpeg-2 file to DivX...but I tried to play it...NO SOUND? Help?!?
I was not as smart as "goldenmeg”. I bought the pro and mpeg2 program. After the mpeg2 I could play up the movie without sound!!??
I called the Apple suport but they could not help me. They told me to download a free program,VLC. Whit this program I could look at the movie with sound, but I could not move the mpeg2 file to Imovie.
Finally I found you (after paying €50 for the programs)
Thank you again Fryke.