Converting fonts on OSX

I'm looking to convert a batch of fonts from a PC format over to Mac.
I've tried TTFontConverter but didn't have much luck?
Is there anything availible to run on OSX not Classic?
Many thanks.
As far as I've experienced, most PC fonts are Mac OS X usable. Have tried just installing a few of these into your fonts folder and seeing if they work?

What kind of fonts are they? (Unicode, PostScript, TrueType, etc)
I haven't had any issues before. The fonts i'm looking to use are in the following formats:


Ring any bells?
Ok, first, just to cover the basics, Quit any running applications. Actual quit, not just close. New fonts don't show until the app is reloaded. Moving on...

I'll rarely suggest using FontBook (/Applications/)...but this is a good time. It'll browse all installed fonts on your Mac.

If that doesn't work, then try using a font previewer like Font Sampler. It will let you view uninstalled fonts on your Mac. If they show, then check to make sure they're in Users/[your name]/Library/Fonts

If they don't show, you may have bad fonts.

Short version: those font formats work in OS X. There is no code difference for Win of Mac since OS X. I would invesigate where you got these fonts from if they're giving you that much trouble.

Google will help you find sooooo many free fonts that are identical to the ones you're using most likely (just search for "Free fonts 'name of font'")

Good luck.
If you want to convert them, there is a system X program availabe that works very well to solve many font issues. It's called TransType Pro. It is a little pricey though.
Like the rest, I have used them without a problem in font agent pro 3. Didnt need to convert anything. To bad it doesnt work the other way around