Converting Mac device image files to ISO's on a PC?


Does anyone know if there is a way to convert Macintosh device image files (.DMG) created with Disk Copy 6.4 into .ISO images on a PC? The only place I have a fast CD-RW drive and decent web connection to download the .dmg CD images I need I only have PC's available. I guess I could download and copy the .dmg to a CD and bring it to a mac in another office, but the CD-R drive there is only a 2x and it is alot of extra leg work. If anyone hads any idead how to burn these images on a PC let me know. Thanks.
As I recall, I thought .iso images where in ISO-9660 format where as .img/.dmg where generally Mac format (HFS/HFS+). Unless you have an application that can burn a .img/.dmg image directly to a CD on a Windows system, you are going to end up losing something (resource forks and/or information).
he's right, .img and .dmg are not convertable as the filesystems are not the same.

If you're making iso images of iso formatted cd's (such as any cd that isn't specifically for the mac) you can use the unix utility "dd"

I use dd to make images and when I transfer them to my pc, I name them with .iso and cna then open them in EasyCD.

do a "man dd" from the terminal for usage details.

note: while dd will make an image of anything, even Mac CDs, the image made will not be useable on a PC as I've described above. You'd still need a cd burning program that can burn HFS/HFS+ CDs.