Converting WMA to mp3


I've read a previous thread on converting wma to mp3 and have tried the solutions (flip4mac, qt pro, easywma, switch). I am still looking for a free solution. Is there one? Sorry if this is a FAQ but appreciate any help.
Flip4Mac and QT Pro won't help. They do video.

If you want free, take those WMAs to a peecee with iTunes, then
burn to CD. That'll put them in AIFF format, from which you can
convert to any other Mac-friendly format.

Otherwise, it's at least $10 (EasyWMA, Sound Converter). More $
will get more horsepower. I'm fond of Switch.
I haven't tried this myself, but I've heard this works. (I'd back up the files you want to convert first)


You need to run the VLC executable from the command line, as follows:

path_to_VLC/ file_to_convert.WMA --aout file

This will create a file called audiofile.wav in the current directory. I think you need to quit VLC manually after it's done