Converting WMV to quicktime


Can anyone help...
How can I convert Windows Media Player format (WMV) files to quicktime or something that quicktime can read?

Thanks for any help
This request comes up a lot. To my knowledge, there is still no official way to do this.

There is a kludge:

Snapz Pro 2 will take a screen capture movie of your WMV file and process it to whatever QuickTime paramters you want.

You can thank Microsoft for their continued proprietery, exclusionary efforts.
MindBend, thanks for trying to help...

Is there an unofficial way to convert? I am unable to view the file, so I cannot use Snap Pro 2. My WMA viewer states I need a newer version, even though I have the latest version.

I agree, thanks Micro$oft
As it turns out the file I need to convert is a WMA3 file and VLC does not support that format only WMA1 and WMA2.

Thanks though...
I'm afraid there is currently no way to view Windows Media 9 content with windows media 9 video tracks and windows media 9 Audio tracks on a Mac, even with Microsoft MediaPlayer 9. The Mac version of MediaPlayer 9 will only play content with windows media 9 video and windows media 8 Audio. The same for pure windows media 9 Audio track. Both MPlayer and VideoLanClient (VLC) have the same limitations on the Mac at present.
As far as I can tell, their is no genuine reason for this lack of functionality in the Mac version, but I suspect it is a deliberate attempt by Microsoft to make Macs 'seem' inferior to their PC counterparts by crippling their own software. appears to be indevelopment of a program (plug-in) that will allow MAC users to open WMV files in Quicktime and edit, export to any MAC format.

I have not seen the program yet, it is schedule for release this month.

Craig Scherer