copy on select in Terminal?


Rusher of Din
Anyone know if there is a possibility to copy on select in the Terminal, like a real xterm? :) It would make unix life a lot nicer, as I use a 3-button mouse. And incidentally, any tips to get highlighting to work properly? I set the text color to green, and am not sure what to set bold to to make it visible when highlighted.


Gods, you like copy-on-select? I can't stand it - I highlight important info onscreen instinctively, just to focus my attention on it, or something. Whenever I use X11, I lose clipboard contents constantly. Ah well, to each his own.

You could change the selection colour to something similar to the default background, so everything remains visible. I use a middle grey for the selection, so everything visible on black is also visible on that.
Originally posted by scruffy
Gods, you like copy-on-select? I can't stand it - I highlight important info onscreen instinctively, just to focus my attention on it, or something. Whenever I use X11, I lose clipboard contents constantly. Ah well, to each his own.

Oh, yeah. I love it. Can't live without it! In the terminal, at least. Highlight, middle button paste. Very quick and efficient. :) Incidentally, you know that in X11, there is not just one clipboard, right? If you are in a web browser, for example, and you actually alt-c/ctrl-c a block of text and then highlight something else, alt-v/ctrl-v will past what you had copied with alt-c/ctrl-c. See <>.

You could change the selection colour to something similar to the default background, so everything remains visible. I use a middle grey for the selection, so everything visible on black is also visible on that.

Yeah, that works. Thanks.
