Copy/paste from classic to X


Fundamentalist whack-job
Don't know if this belongs in this forum or the Classic, but here goes.

I have a problem copying something (like text) from Classic and trying to paste it into anything in X. Everytime I try, it crashes Classic, and causes the foreground application in X for a few moments.

Is this a universal problem? Does anybody know a fix for this?
For me, it's a sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't thing. It usually takes about 3 or 4 copies before it'll recognize it in the other OS.

It shouldn't cause anything to crash, though. I've never had that problem.
I've had this problem too. It seems random, though it appears to affect IE5/Mac in particular.

Good bye IE!
I use Mac OS 8.6 but I have a thought on why this happened. You see when you're in Mac OS 9 the clipboard(where the "copied information is stored) is a different version then the one that exists in Mac OS X. So if you were trying to copy a lot of work (ie. 2-3 pages) then just copy the Mac OS 9 clipboard onto a floppy and open it in Mac OS X. See if it works I have no experience but it's a thought. Can you try it and e-mail me @ and tell me if it works. Thanks.
No offense, spiro, but I'm looking for a fix, not a workaround. This is especially unacceptable since I never use floppies anymore. I could do the same by saving to the hard drive I suppose, but we're not talking big blocks of text or anything here. It's actually usually faster to write it down.

I agree with aluminum. This does tend to be an IE problem. I would probably just dump IE if it didn't happen in other apps as well. Plus the fact that I'm not as anti-IE as most others on the boards.