This is Soo funny..
they still don't have a "secure" copy-proof cd
" Technology buffs have cracked music publishing giant Sony Musics elaborate disc copy-protection technology with a decidedly low-tech method: scribbling around the rim of a disk with a felt-tip marker."
Monday, Reuters obtained an ordinary copy of Celine Dions newest release A New Day Has Come, which comes embedded with Sonys Key2Audio technology.
After an initial attempt to play the disc on a PC resulted in failure, the edge of the shiny side of the disc was blackened out with a felt tip marker. The second attempt with the marked-up CD played and copied to the hard drive without a hitch.
they still don't have a "secure" copy-proof cd
" Technology buffs have cracked music publishing giant Sony Musics elaborate disc copy-protection technology with a decidedly low-tech method: scribbling around the rim of a disk with a felt-tip marker."
Monday, Reuters obtained an ordinary copy of Celine Dions newest release A New Day Has Come, which comes embedded with Sonys Key2Audio technology.
After an initial attempt to play the disc on a PC resulted in failure, the edge of the shiny side of the disc was blackened out with a felt tip marker. The second attempt with the marked-up CD played and copied to the hard drive without a hitch.