Copying Apps without CD...Adobe


I posted this in the How To forums which I think was the wrong place to post, so MODS you can delete the other posting....sorry...

Now my issue...

First off, this is completely legal by the contract my company has with adobe.

My question is about installing Adobe CS2 suite without using the disks. Can you copy the entire application folder (PS, AI, INDD, etc) and load it onto another machine, copy the registration file out of the library and have everything work flawlessly? When adobe uses the installer, does it place any misc files around the system? I have already tried this and everything seems to work but I haven't throughly gone through the programs yet.

My companys contract with Adobe states that if an employer has the CS2 suite installed on their work machine, they can have it installed on their home machine as long as they are employed by the company. We only use one license for 400+ computers so there is no limit to license numbers...

We have a couple of disk floating around our department and there is a waiting line for them...THought just copying the folder overs and the reg file that I will be good to go. Want to know if this is ok or should I reinstall with the disks itself.

As far as I know, all you need is the Adobe application folder, and the Adobe folder located in the Library -> Application Support folder.
Usually there's one or two hidden files for each CS app. I make sure I search for each app, 'Illustrator', 'Photoshop' etc and then copy each file making a note of its location. Then I copy the files to the new machine and follow the location directions I've notated.

Most of the time just copying Library/App Support isn't enough; it's a subtle way of discouraging simple copying from one machine to another... ;) Even though you have the correct relationship with Adobe.

Hope that helps.
What does Adobe say about it? They do have support forums as well, I believe. If you don't want to post there, because you think they would think it illegal, the same question does not have a place here. ;)
What does Adobe say about it? They do have support forums as well, I believe. If you don't want to post there, because you think they would think it illegal, the same question does not have a place here. ;)

I will post it up there, In my experience, I have received much quicker responses on here and by the time I recevie a response from the Adobe site, I will have the disk anyways.... Why would I think its illegal?
The problems with these things is that while you _personally_ might have a very legitimate use for a workaround-installation, other readers and users of the forum might not. Information about how to circumvent the need for having a license and original installation CD/DVD would be available on the forum - and that's the problem our rules have with this kinda thread. - That said, I'm sorry if my intervention prevented you from solving your problem more quickly. :/

But now that I'm thinking about it: I _think_ you would be safe to create backups of the installation disks. Maybe Adobe would even send you more disks if asked. Since you have a volume license key, the license would stay the same.
The problems with these things is that while you _personally_ might have a very legitimate use for a workaround-installation, other readers and users of the forum might not. Information about how to circumvent the need for having a license and original installation CD/DVD would be available on the forum - and that's the problem our rules have with this kinda thread. - That said, I'm sorry if my intervention prevented you from solving your problem more quickly. :/

But now that I'm thinking about it: I _think_ you would be safe to create backups of the installation disks. Maybe Adobe would even send you more disks if asked. Since you have a volume license key, the license would stay the same.

I understand where you are coming from, however after further researching it on the Adobe Forums, it is listed there as well. I would think if adobe was concerned with it, those posts would be purged from their database. Its not a "secret" or something Adobe doesn't want you to know about.
Honestly, I think your overreacting, You can download the programs via Adobes site so you wouldnt have a disk in that case and I never stated I was attempting to not use a license key. The only thing I needed was to see if the install would work without using the "official" installer. I was informed by my IT department that the way I was looking how to do this, is how they deploy installations over the network. I just didnt know exactly how it was done or any issues associated with it, thats all...