could use a hand


I am working on a stats reporting system for a site I have not finished yet so no content is really on it yet but I need to test the stats system.

If you can please visit

please no comments about the site look and content it's not finished not even close this is a temp theme as a place holder with some place holder text... I am working on the backend right now so the look and content will follow.

Thank so much
Thanx Twister :)

I also agree with your sig and think it's nice that you say it! Those people are out there doing something most people have no stomach for be proud of them and support them whatever your opinion is... Just try to think how you would feel if it was your loved one!

PS I can still use more clicks I need to fill my log up to get it to dump and rotate.

mainly I am concerned about the referrers part and that's hard to fill with many unique strings.

Thanks for your help.