crawler meta keyword spamming | keyword overkill


Ministry of Re-Education
I was wondering if there is a threshold for the number of keywords allowed before the crawlers will treat it as spam. I'm wondering because I'm designing a site for an incense manufacturer and the keywords would be all the different types of incense they make along with many other words and phrases associated with the incense business. The list of keywords they came up with was incredible.

Is there any benefit to keyword crunching like this: <jasmine, buy jasmine, buy jasmine incense, purchase jasmine, purchase jasmine online, jasmine auction, jasmine buy it now> this same pattern repeated with each different aroma, 150 times.
1) No idea, sorry
2) I don't think so, I think that if you did something like <jasmine, buy, incense, purchase, online, auction> it would work just as well. Of course, I'm just guessing, but...
make sure not to jumble the page up with tables -- robots normally don't scan a whole page just 40 or 50kb of it -- and <tables> with <trs> and <tds> can really muck up a page to the point that half of the page size is worthless table tags! especially if you use inline styles!