Create your own Mail stationery in Leopard!!


Graphics Guy
If you enjoy Leopard’s new Mail Stationery for sending beautiful HTML email, but wished you could personalize it more, read on for some very good news!

Apple has made Mail’s new Stationery feature quite easy to edit to your heart’s content, as long as you have an image editor that can save .jpg and .png files, and an HTML editor such as Dreamweaver (or just text edit if you’re a die-hard HTML coder). Read the brief tutorial here.

You can see the results of just a few minutes of work below:

But keep in mind that HTML E-Mail is bad for your soul, karma etc. It fills the pipes of the internet, as any HTML E-Mail is generally at least 2-3 times as large as a plain text E-Mail and, seriously, doesn't say much more. Then those messages also can't be read by *all* E-Mail clients, so an additional plain text message is also sent, further filling up the pipes.

Plain Text E-Mail FTW.
Yep ^_^
reminds me to set up again some mail rules... if it contains html > add to maybe-spam folder.