Creating Web Pages


I created my first web pages using Visual Page on my PowerMac 7300, and now would like to continue creating web pages on my G4 iBook. I need a simple application for creating web pages, mostly text with images, links, counters, guestbooks, etc.

Any suggestions which application would be a good choice? Thanks.

-- vjamacaddict, G4 iBook, OS X 10.3.9
Are you looking to hand-code or do you want a "cheater-type" program that'll write the code for you?

BBEdit Lite has actually been discontinued by BareBones Software, replaced with TextWrangler ($0). If you want to hand-code your pages, either that or BBedit ($199) are excellent picks. I use BBEdit 8 exclusively.

* Right now you can get 20% off the prices at BareBone's online store using the promo code "Macworld20" in their shopping cart. *

Other options are SKedit ($20), PageSpinner ($30), Taco Edit ($0), HyperEdit ($20), RapidWeaver ($35), Macromedia Dreamweaver ($$$), and Adobe GoLive ($$$).
Please make the web a better place and build a web page right the first time...! Get some decent software like Dreamweaver. I have been designing for years and this (if you dont know HTML and want a WYSIWYG app) if the best one out there. There is a learning curve but its worth the time and effort. BBEdit is helpful too but you need some knowledge of basic HTML.
Rapidweaver produces clean, attractive, simple sites which can include a personal blog, plus pages for photos, downloads and contact form. Check out their forum for the latest examples.
The app is standards-based and produces reasonably compliant code. In conjunction with a CSS editor and a little initiative you can begin customizing the existing themes to your personal taste. I've also used Dreamweaver, and it's a very good industrial-strength tool, but for small personal or even small business sites it can be overkill, and the learning curve is substantial.
You can see my Rapidweaver site in progress which is hosted here at to see if something like this would work. Good luck to you!