Creative Labs Nomad Zen Xtra 40GB and iTunes


Here's some heresay. Let's just say I'm tapped out and want a 40GB mp3 player really really bad. I can't afford the $500 iPod even though its fun to dream.

Is anyone using the creative labs Nomad Zen 40GB out there with their iTunes and how well do they play with eachother?

The Creative labs website says they're compatible. Whatever. I want to here it from real people. Any known issues or other suggestions (remember 40GB only--I just sold my Archos 20GB because it was too small). Thanks in advance for any posts that will help the cause.
I emailed a guy on ebay selling his and this is what he told me in reference with its ability to work with iTunes:

it doesn't. it uses an explorer type interface to transfer music/data
manually, or you can use the media center software to sync up the unit with
your pc. Ryan

This concerns me as I'm wondering if it works at all with Macs. Is there anyone else on this forum who can help me out with an ipod alternative that plays well with iTunes and my Mac?
I spoke with the guys from Creative Labs today. Just in case anyone is interested this isn't the box for you if you're looking at 40GB models for your Mac as an alternative to the iPod. I'm still looking and some help in this area would be grand.

The guys as Creative labs wrote: Unfortunately, the Zen models are only supported on a PC system. Thank you for your interest and please let us know if we can be of further assistance. .

Well, that settles it. I know that my archos worked fine with my Mac as a drive. It was functional but only 20GB and USB 1.0. Not the grandest.
.. wait untill you have more $ to buy it .. or untill HP releases their versions of iPods. ;)

good to know though Nomad doesn't like macs.
The 40gb Nomad is not that much cheaper than the iPod. Like Gia said, hold off, save up some more dough, and then buy yourself the real deal. You'll be much happier, and better off with the Apple product.