Cross platform Webphone/Internet phone software


luv my lil' malteaser
Hey all...I've been burning through calling cards while talking to my sweetie in england...does anyone know of any good webphone/internet phone software that I could check into? She's using a celeron laptop right now, so It would have to work across platforms...does anyone have any suggestions?
ugh...I also just remembered...I don't even know if it would be possible for us to use an internet phone device cause I think we are behind different firewalls. I'm on a home airport network here and she is at university...will this make it impossible for any program to work? I don't know much about this sort of thing...all I know is that we can't even establish direct image connections on IM. It's frustrating...
Thanks for the reply testuser...looks like we wont be able to do voice chat then huh? I really don't know what to do now...we are both fast in terms of typing, but for that we can just use IM.

Looks like I'll have to shop around for long distance carriers and see who gives the best rate. Would have been nice to do it over the net though...
There's a company in the U.S. offering reliable, good quality, voice-over-IP now. I read about it a few days ago at It was reasonably priced, and you could get all your long distance to everywhere anytime for 1 rate. Wish someone was offering this in Canada :(
I have used ispy to video chat across the web - it works quite well (if you have broadband) - you could use it without the video for lower bandwidths. I haven't tried the win32 version, only OSX.

You can get it from

iSpy link

You have to map certain ports (more than one I remember) over in your airport - can't remember which ones now, but the info is available on the developer web site.

Thanks guys...yeah...I have looked at NetPhone and I even downloaded it, but in the documentation this is what made me wonder if it was gonna work:

"If you are behind a firewall that prevents incoming connections (for example at some schools), then you will not be able to receive incoming calls, but you will still be able to make outgoing calls (you connect to Joe instead of Joe connecting to you). If both of you are behind different firewalls that both prevent incoming connections, then you cannot use NetFone because there is no way to establish a connection between you."

I don't even know for sure if she is behind a firewall, but I'm thinking she is because like I said earlier, we can't even do the direct image connection or file transferring things on IM (plus she's in a university using high speed access, and if I remember correctly I think my school had one).

How do I find out for sure if she is behind a firewall? I know nothing about windows networking or the menus that she would have to go to. She's not much of a computer expert either (she's dying for a mac and will be getting an iBook soon).