CRT OR TFT Display?


Official ai tenshi
Which kind of display do you prefer and why?

Since i found out that smoothed text (Mac OS X Quartz) looks much better on my 15" CRT than on my little iBook (12") i don’t really know...
Depends on needs. CRTs give better images, and pixels don't die.
TFTs have dying pixels but is better on the eyes. they also look better and take less space.

I'd say CRT for now till TFTs are cheap and don't kill pixels
i have the last ctr apple ever made. its really good res. but because of all the time i spend on it i know need glasses. i almost failed my drivers licence eye test the other day... i would go with the flat panel because of that and the smaller space, but if you dont have that kinda money your stuck
CRTs have better color.
You cannot do any repro work on TFTs, because they show different colors depending in what angle you look upon them.

That's why I never quite knew why Apple went totally TFT. Macs are widly used in the print area, and they can't use these TFTs for color correction.

Hey wait a minute, Apple quit building CRTs because they were kind of crappy because many of them started to die just after one year (Ooh, that is exactly when your warranty has run out).
Apple had many complaints regarding these things, the Apple forums were full of these postings of dead displays, just to be deleted by Apple the other day.
Just thought I tell you something of the dark ages of our beloved and often hyped Mac builder. That is nothing Microsoft could have done any worse... :p

I don't know the pecentage of displays that died, people that have a display that works great don't go into forums and tell you about that, but I think it was above average.
Personally, I prefer LCD displays, because I don't get headaches as fast when I'm using my LCD iMac, as when I'm using one of the 17inch CRT Dell displays at school. Although, for my photography, the old egg iMac in our photography room is better than my iLamp, because of the colour reproduction.

Oh, and that it doesn't matter what angle you're looking on :D