Custom Icons?


Hello all. I've been ok 10.0.4 for a while now, and I'd like to be able to customize some folder icons (for easier viewing in the dock).

Anyway, while I know you can just copy and past from existing folder icons, i was hoping somebody might know a way to modify icons using a paint (or draw?) program while preserving their ability to scale/magnify in the finder and dock.

(While I like some of the things on they're not what I'm looking for)

(More specifically, I want to create an "Application folder" icon that looks almost identical to the OSX default, but with a visible orange "9" in the corner to show that it contains the System 9 Apps, as well as one that looks like a gavel to contain all my law school files)

Any suggestions appreciated!


Or get a icon making program, such as Iconographer. You can probably download it from Version Tracker, and I have to say it's really good. (a bit more complex than just making a 128x128 picture, though...)