Dancing Wu-Li Masters


Anyone have an idea why, out of the blue, characters and the cursor, in All fields, will start changing places (forward, back, within a sentence) and deleting themselves at random?

Keyboard is fine. About 25% of what I type does what it's supposed to do. The rest of the time the cursor is possessed. The only why to fix it (it's happened to me about 3 times in 9 months) is to reboot. Then everything is honkey-dorey.
odd problem friend, can't say that I've heard of that before. Sounds like maybe something in the keyboard/usb cable is amiss, but then again maybe its just a software thing.

just do a clean install of 10.2 on Aug. 24 and I'm sure it'll get cleared up :)
Is Aug 24 the official release of 10.2? How much is it? Can it be downloaded? Can it be ordered now. <sorry, but I digress>
not the point of this chat... but you can pre order it back on topic

anyways try using the british layout
System pref>International>Keybord Menu> Click on British

i think they have the closest keybord layout to us

Even though I don't know what the cause is, I'm pretty sure (based on the symptoms) that its a software issue. The problem (when it happens) persists when I switch from the extended keyboard, to the notebooks own keyboard..