Darwin and ports and stuff

Cow Loon

If I use the one step installer for GNU darwin (or fix it and run it, if that's what I need to do) under mac os x, is it going to break anything? It looks like it's going to overwrite a bunch of things.

Should I still use gdNet-install?

Have you succesfully installed ports? Is it going to conflict with fink? My fink appears to be dysfunctional at the moment anyway, now that I'm running jaguar, even after following their instructions on the fink site.
I would not install GNU Darwin over Mac OS X. Use a separate volume. UNIX has a nasty habit of breaking easily, a side-effect of it's everything-is-a-file-at-a-static-path methodology.

There are two kinds of 'ports'. One is the FreeBSD version which was, ehem, ported to Darwin. The other is Darwin ports which is new and has become the basis for the openpackages.org project. Personally I don't care about either of them since I consider fink superior thus far. Only mess with ports if you want to debug the ports system.

Fink isn't going to conflict with anything since it uses a separate location to install everything (with the exception of X11 which is dependent on a specific path). This is but one of many reasons why I consider Fink to be superior.
I gather now that the one step installer for gnu-darwin doesn't really install darwin. It installs various utitilies so that you can install darwinports. But, the script is broken, e.g. it trys to download files that aren't found on the server it logs into and some other problems.

I started but haven't finished trying to get the script to work.

Fink doesn't work right now, correct? At least I was unable to get it to do anything after following the instructions to fix for Jaguar.
Fink works fine per the instructions on their site for installing under Jaguar. At least, until you try to update Perl to 5.8 (per the instructions on Apple's site). Doing so breaks Fink's installation and removal scripts.
I've been using fink + osx 10.2 + perl 5.8 successfully. The only complication I remember is that the Storable.pm module that fink installs in /sw/...... is not binary compatible with perl 5.8. Deleting or renaming the fink version of Storable fixed the problem (assuming you have Storable.pm installed in the usual way (via cpan.pm, e.g.)