Dashboard delay...


Staff member
Anybody else noticing this? Could be my hardware, although I don't think so (1 GB of RAM on a recent PowerBook _should_ be enough, right?) ;)

When I invoke the Dashboard after not having used it for a few hours, it takes quiiiiiiiite a long time for the widgets to have their info ready. Sure, it's explainable. For example the weather widget needs new info from the 'net, but why does the clock initially have no hands? That info should be readily available, right? Also, the weather widget should, in my opinion, have a setting on when to update its info...

But now: Even when I hit F12 a few times a minute, still the clock comes up with no hands and only gets them after a good second or so... I hope the final version of Tiger will clear these things up, since I want to use it for 'quick glances on the dashboard', not for waiting for info to show up...
Btw.: I only have 5 widgets open. Clock, weather, calendar, calculator, translation and one sticky with some info. I don't think that should be "too much" for the system to handle. I personally intend to have some more stickies - and I fear there'll be people who want like a hundred dashboard widgets at a time or so...
fryke said:
Anybody else noticing this? Could be my hardware, although I don't think so (1 GB of RAM on a recent PowerBook _should_ be enough, right?) ;)

When I invoke the Dashboard after not having used it for a few hours, it takes quiiiiiiiite a long time for the widgets to have their info ready. Sure, it's explainable. For example the weather widget needs new info from the 'net, but why does the clock initially have no hands? That info should be readily available, right? Also, the weather widget should, in my opinion, have a setting on when to update its info...

But now: Even when I hit F12 a few times a minute, still the clock comes up with no hands and only gets them after a good second or so... I hope the final version of Tiger will clear these things up, since I want to use it for 'quick glances on the dashboard', not for waiting for info to show up...

wow, thats not good! was it like this in previous builds? or is this a new thing in 8a420+ ???
Its always been like this for me... powerbook g4 1.5 + 1gig ram..

I believe it is due to the widgets themselves being reopened etc; I dont think it is a problem to be honest.

You bring dashboard up - widgets "come back to life" and it may take a split second or two to get the new info...