

Is there a way to display widgets on the desktop without activating dashboard? When I open Dashboard it shows me my widgets but with a grey matte background and I cant use any background applications. Any way to change this? I cant find any settings?

(Having a similar problem with front row - I dont know how to change settings on it when it goes into full screen upon launch. Front Row isnt showing any of the media I have in my itunes library)
There are ...

'DashIt!' (freeware). You may have to log out / log in again, to your user account,

'AmnestyWidgets' ($19.95), and

'Amnesty Singles' ($9.95),

to name a few. Also, consider reading up on ...

defaults write com.apple.dashboard devmode YES

... and ...

defaults write com.apple.dashboard devmode NO

... via Google (or equivalent web search engines).